1. Install Apache web server in default location (C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2)
1.1 Enter localdomain as network domain and localhost as server name and your mail id
1.2 Select/Check port 80 for running Apache service
2. Install PERL Programing Environment in the following
location C:\usr\
3. Install MySQL RDBMS in the default location C:\mysql\
4. Install KOHA full version
5. Go to C:\etc directory and open koha configuration file and change database=blank228
6. Install Mozilla Firefox in the default lacations.
7. Change Firefox setting if your internet connection is
through a proxy server( No proxy for: opac, intranet)
8. Install SQL Yog in the default locations.
9. Open browser and enter(in the address bar) http://opac to get OPAC
and http://intranet to get Librarian interface(
Login: koha ;Password: koha )
Download KOHA_PPT
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